FlaminTales Wiki

Stan isn't just a simple character he is a living being that gave me many ideas for creepypastas and stories if you dont know him then he is that doublegagner that smiles an unsetling smile he tried to take over my account and my life at some point.

he most likely comes from the underworld and decided to copy my body  to hide his true form which is at the moment unknown.

i statrted remembering where he could have came from yesterday i summoned him for popularity and i regret ever doing it.

i won't expose more information on the ritual as you guys might try it out which is definitly unwanted.

But please don't ever try to summon demons or the devil himself its not worth it.

Pray to god himself he will help you out.

I im currently locked into the storage room in my basement i hope Stan won't see this post.

Somoen has walked infront of the locked door he is laughing but the laugh contains multiple voices.

hes opening the door holding the devils wine hes thrown it at me.

he walked away does he expect me to drink this...

well i im thirsty so might as well try it out, i mean whats the worst that could happen!
